Portaferry Castle (Savage’s Castle), Ards Peninsula, Co Down, Northern Ireland. Link to previous visit https://www.tonyoneill.org/2016/10/14/portaferry-castle-savages-castle/
Underexposed – an Irish Photoblog
Portaferry Castle (Savage’s Castle), Ards Peninsula, Co Down, Northern Ireland. Link to previous visit https://www.tonyoneill.org/2016/10/14/portaferry-castle-savages-castle/
Cong Abbey, Co Mayo, Ireland
St Mary of the Rosary Church
The Monk’s Fishing House
Arched doorway at Cong river
Temple of Deen Court Tomb aka Laraghirril Court Tomb
The court tomb is located on the Inishowen peninsula overlooking Trawbreaga Bay and Tremone Bay
Temple of Deen Court Tomb, Laraghirril, Culdaff, Inishowen, Co Donegal, Ireland
Grey Abbey, Greyabbey, Ards Peninsula, Co Down, Northern Ireland
Grey Abbey was founded as a Cistercian Abbey in 1193 by Affreca, wife of John de Courcy.
Meggagh Wedge Tomb, The Burren, Co Clare, Ireland