Beltany Stone Circle – revisited

Beltany Stone Circle

Beltany Stone Circle, Raphoe, Co Donegal, Ireland

Beltany Stone Circle

the Celtic festival of fertility known as Beltane is celebrated in early May and it is thought the circle takes its name from this festival

Beltany Stone Circle
Beltany Stone Circle
Cup marked triangle stone at Beltany stone circle

This is the cup marked triangle stone

Beltany Standing Stone

The Standing Stone at the circle

Beltany Stone Circle

Link to first visit –

Beltany Stone Circle

Beltany Stone Circle 1

Beltany Stone Circle, Raphoe, Co Donegal, Ireland

Beltany Stone Circle

The standing stone southeast of Beltany Stone Circle

Beltany Stone Circle 2

The name Beltany is thought to derive from Beltaine the Celtic festival of fertility

Beltany Stone Circle 3

Beltany Stone Circle