Ballyrenan Portal Tomb, Co Tyrone, Northern Ireland

Ballyrenan Portal Tombs are situated in an overgrown field by the Ballyrenan Rd just off the B84 at Baronscourt, Co Tyrone. The second tomb is hidden in the undergrowth
Underexposed – an Irish Photoblog
Ballyrenan Portal Tomb, Co Tyrone, Northern Ireland
Ballyrenan Portal Tombs are situated in an overgrown field by the Ballyrenan Rd just off the B84 at Baronscourt, Co Tyrone. The second tomb is hidden in the undergrowth
Sloughan Glen, Tyrone, Northern Ireland
Ballylig Standing Stone, Co Antrim, Northern Ireland
The farmer was very friendly and accompanied me into the field as there were some cows I was a bit wary of
Tober-bile Standing Stone, Co Antrim, Northern Ireland
With Knocklayd Mountain in the background this is one of several standing stones that ring it
Auglish/Aughlish Stone Circles, Derry, Northern Ireland
A series of 5 small stone circles and alignments in the foothills of the Sperrins
One of the alignments
Alignment stone
Showing the alignment
The largest of the circle stones
Same stone as above
Dungiven Standing Stone, Co Derry, Northern Ireland
aka Ballynagloch Standing Stones
Culfeightrin Standing Stones, Co Antrim, Northern Ireland
The larger standing stone in the graveyard at Culfeightrin Church
The smaller Standing Stone to the East of the larger stone
Beaghmore stone circles, Co Tyrone, Northern Ireland
The Beagmore Stone Circle Complex comprises of a mixture of small stone circles, cairns, and alignments
Alignment of some of the larger stones at the Beagmore Megalithic Complex
Two of the circles and below from the top circle
Navan Fort – Emain Macha, Armagh, Northern Ireland
The ancient ceremonial site of Emain Macha (Eamhain Mhacha) – the seat of the kings of Ulaid
St Tassach’s Church, Raholp, Co Down, Northern Ireland
The original church was founded by St. Patrick and his disciple St. Tassach was put in charge. The ruin here dates from the 10th or 11th century
Struell Wells, Downpatrick, Co Down, Northern Ireland
The church ruin
Inside the church
The Drinking Well beside the church ruin
The Men’s and Women’s Bath Houses
The Women’s Bath House in the foreground with the Men’s Bath House behind
The Eye Well at Struell Wells
Carrownacaw Standing Stone aka the Long Stone, Co Down, Northern Ireland
It leans slightly and is tied to a tree with steel wire.
The standing stone is 3m tall of Silurian rock
The ‘mortuary house’ at Saul, Co. Down, Northern Ireland
A belief it was a 12th century shrine, for relics of St Patrick, St Brigid and St Columba seems unlikely as…
A Queen’s University archaeological investigation dates it as more likely late 16th century
Loughmoney Dolmen, Co Down, Northern Ireland
A ring of stones encircle Loughmoney Portal Tomb
Loughguile Standing Stone (Tully North), Co Antrim, Northern Ireland
Gowkstown (Ault) Wedge Tomb, Feystown, Co Antrim, Northern Ireland
The wedge tomb is partially obscured by a blanket of gorse
Dundrum Castle, Co Down, Northern Ireland
The Keep build in the early 13th century by Hugh de Lacy
The lower gateway
Maghera Round Tower, Co Down, Northern Ireland
The remains of the round tower thought to date from the 10th century
Maghera Old Church ruin thought to date to 12th century
Annadorn Dolmen, Loughinisland, Co Down, Northern Ireland
The north side of Annadorn Dolmen
Free range eggs and potatoes for sale
Old buildings, Ardminnan Road, Cloughey (Cloughy) (Cloghy), Ards Peninsula, Northern Ireland
Millin Bay Cairn, Ards Peninsula, Co Down, Northern Ireland
On my last visit here the site was quite overgrown, see link. https://www.tonyoneill.org/2017/02/21/millin-bay-cairn/
Kirkistown Castle, Ards Peninsula, Co Down, Northern Ireland
Portaferry Castle (Savage’s Castle), Ards Peninsula, Co Down, Northern Ireland. Link to previous visit https://www.tonyoneill.org/2016/10/14/portaferry-castle-savages-castle/
Derry Churches, Ards Peninsula, Co Down, Northern Ireland
The 1st photo is the north church, the smaller south church above and below
The site is associated with St. Cummain ( St. Cumman)
A small early cross inscribed stone stands in the north church
Dungiven Standing Stone, Co Derry, Northern Ireland
The 2 meter stone is on a mound in a field behind the graveyard of St Patrick’s church, Dungiven
Ballykeel Dolmen oil painting, 2019
Glenknock Portal Tomb, Co Tyrone, Northern Ireland
Crosh Portal Tomb, Co tyrone, Ireland
Killeavy churches, Co Armagh, Northern Ireland
11th Century (West Church) and 15th Century (East Church with arched window
11th Century lintel doorway with huge granite slabs
Kilnasaggart pillar stone, Co Armagh, Northern Ireland
Click here for more information on an earlier post
Ballymacdermot Court Tomb, Co Armagh, Northern Ireland
Looking into the gallery from the court
The entrance to the gallery from the court
The view from behind the chambers
Ballard Standing Stone aka the Long Stone, Armagh, Northern Ireland
The stone lies just of a narrow winding road in the beautiful countryside of south Armagh
Ballybriest Wedge Tomb – aka Carnanbane, Co Derry, Northern Ireland
Ballybriest Wedge Tomb is situated 100mtr (approx.) south of Ballybriest Court Tomb
West face of the Janus statue in Caldragh graveyard
Caldragh graveyard, Boa Island, Co Fermanagh, Northen Ireland
East face of the Janus statue on Boa Island
Clonlum South Megalithic Tomb, Co Armagh, Northern Ireland
Tullyhogue Fort, Co Tyrone, Northern Ireland
Tullyhogue Fort is the ancient ceremonial site where chieftains of the O’Neill dynasty of Tyrone were inaugurated as Kings on Leac na Rí (the Stone of Kings)
The structure was not for defence but for ceremonial purposes
A double bank surrounds the central enclosure
Leac na Rí – the Stone of Kings stood in this circular enclosure before it was destroyed by English forces in the early 1600s
Ally Court Tomb, Co Tyrone, Northern Ireland
Killadeas – The Bishop’s Stone
Killadeas, Co Fermanagh, Northern Ireland
Killadeas – Standing Stone
Killadeas – Cross anb Cupmarked Slab
Killadeas – Holed Stone
Loughry Wedge Tomb, Co tyrone, northern Ireland
Inishmacsaint High Cross – unknown date, possibly 12th century
Small window in the ruined church beside the cross
A monastery was founded by St Ninnid in the 6th century here
Inishmacsaint Island, Lower Lough Erne, Co Fermanagh, Northern Ireland