
Templecronan / Temple Cronan, The Burren, Co Clare, Ireland

12 century church ruins probably built on the site of an earlier structure founded by St Cronan in the 7th Century

The tomb said to mark the burial place of St Cronan

The blocked original doorway

St Brigid’s Shrine

Steps to St Brigid's Shrine
Steps to St Brigid’s Shrine, Faughart, Co Louth, Ireland

St Brigid's Shrine
1st February St Brigid’s feast day is also Imbolc a pagan festival marking the beginning of spring associated with the Irish Goddess Brigid. Some believe the date of Imbolc was more flexible and associated with the onset of the lambing season.

The Grotto
The Grotto

Some of the Stations positioned along St Brigid’s stream
Station 6 Cloch na Crúibe - The hoof stone
Station 6 Cloch na Crúibe – The hoof stone

Station 7 Cloch na Glúine - The knee stone
Station 7 Cloch na Glúine – The knee stone

Station 8 Cloch an Choim - The waist stone
Station 8 Cloch an Choim – The waist stone