Oakfield Demesne Standing Stone, Raphoe, Co Donegal, Ireland

The west face of Oakfield Demesne Standing Stone

Underexposed – an Irish Photoblog
Oakfield Demesne Standing Stone, Raphoe, Co Donegal, Ireland
The west face of Oakfield Demesne Standing Stone
Ray High Cross
Ray High cross
Subcircular stone with perforation and two mill stones
Raymunterdoney (Ray) old church, Co Donegal, Ireland
Ray Standing Stone in the North East corner of the graveyard
Bullaun Stone in Ray Graveyard
Ray old church with bullaun stone forefront and standing stone background
Ballylig Standing Stone, Co Antrim, Northern Ireland
The farmer was very friendly and accompanied me into the field as there were some cows I was a bit wary of
Tober-bile Standing Stone, Co Antrim, Northern Ireland
With Knocklayd Mountain in the background this is one of several standing stones that ring it
Dungiven Standing Stone, Co Derry, Northern Ireland
aka Ballynagloch Standing Stones
Culfeightrin Standing Stones, Co Antrim, Northern Ireland
The larger standing stone in the graveyard at Culfeightrin Church
The smaller Standing Stone to the East of the larger stone
Belmullet Standing Stone, Mullet Peninsula, Co Mayo, Ireland
The standing stone is great… location not quite
Carrownacaw Standing Stone aka the Long Stone, Co Down, Northern Ireland
It leans slightly and is tied to a tree with steel wire.
The standing stone is 3m tall of Silurian rock
Loughguile Standing Stone (Tully North), Co Antrim, Northern Ireland
Doonfeeny/Dunfeeny Standing Stone, Co Mayo, Ireland
Also known as Cloch Fada (Long Stone) situated in an ancient graveyard
Detail of one of two crosses on Doonfeeny Standing Stone added to Christianise it
Breastagh Ogham Stone, Killala, County Mayo, Ireland
The standing stone is over 3.5 metres in height
The inscription on one side reads L.GG……SD ….LEGESCAD and on the other side MAQ CORRBRI MAQ AMLOITT, translated as “The Son of Corbbri, Son Of Amloitt”
Clogher Head Standing Stone, Dingle Peninsula, Co Kerry, Ireland
Clogher Head Standing Stone photographed on my first visit over 30 years ago.
Graigue Standing Stone, Dingle Peninsula, Kerry, Ireland
The stone has split with one part having fallen onto another large stone
Dungiven Standing Stone, Co Derry, Northern Ireland
The 2 meter stone is on a mound in a field behind the graveyard of St Patrick’s church, Dungiven
Kilnasaggart pillar stone, Co Armagh, Northern Ireland
Click here for more information on an earlier post
Ballard Standing Stone aka the Long Stone, Armagh, Northern Ireland
The stone lies just of a narrow winding road in the beautiful countryside of south Armagh
Doon Standing Stone, Co Sligo, Ireland
The same stone… in the next field there is another Standing Stone but local flooding prevented approach
Clochafarmore Standing Stone aka Cuchulain’s Stone, Co Louth, Ireland
In the Irish saga the Táin Bó Cuailgne (The Cattle Raid of Cooley) Cú Chulainn (the hero of Ulster) is said to have tied himself to a standing stone when mortally wounded. While tied to the stone his enemies feared approaching thinking he lived until the battle goddess Morrigu (Morrígan) lands on his shoulder in the form of a raven. When sure he is dead they approach and Lugaid beheads Cú Chulainn whose sword falls and slices of Lugaid’s right hand, in revenge they cut off Cú Chulainn’s hand.
Owenea Standing Stone aka Ardara Standing Stone, Ardara, Co Donegal, Ireland
Scotchomerbane Standing Stone, Co Antrim, Northern Ireland
Rosapenna Standing Stone, Co Donegal, Ireland
Pluck Standing Stone, Co Donegal, Ireland
Ballycleagh Standing Stones, Cushendun, Co Antrim, Northern Ireland
Tulnacross Standing Stones, Co Tyrone, Northern Ireland
Aghascrebagh Ogham Stone, Tyrone, Northern Ireland
Aghascrebagh Standing Stone is in the same field
Standing Stone on the Renvyle Peninsula, Co Galway, Ireland
Letterdeen Standing Stone, Co Galway, Ireland
Castlewellan Cross Inscribed Stone, Co. Down, Northern Ireland
Gowkstown Standing Stone with Slemish Mountain
Gowkstown Standing Stone (near Feystown), Antrim, Northern Ireland
Clogher Head Standing Stone<
Clogher Head, Dingle Peninsula, Co Kerry, Ireland
Ballycleagh Standing Stones, Cushendun, Co Antrim, Northern Ireland
Ballycleagh Standing Stone with Carra Castle in the background
Skerry West Standing Stone, Co Antrim, Northern Ireland.
The sun sets on Skerry West Standing Stone
Doagh Holestone, Co Antrim, Northern Ireland
Sunset on Donegore Hill through the hole in the holed stone
The setting sun through the hole in the holed stone
aka Ballynagloch Standing Stones
The smaller standing stone at Culfeightrin Church and Graveyard, Co Antrim, Northern Ireland
The larger standing stone near the entrance of Church. In the background (far left) the smaller stone.
Ballygilbert Standing Stone, Co Antrim, Northern Ireland
Ballygilbert Standing Stone near sunset
Carved with the symbols ‘Chi’ and ‘Rho’, the first two letters of the name ‘Christ’ in Greek
Drumaqueran Chi-Rho Stone, Co Antrim, Northern Ireland
Ballyvennaght Standing Stone, near Ballypatrick forest, Co Antrim, Northern Ireland
Known locally as Cloughacarna, the stone of sorrows
Breen Standing Stone at sunset
Breen Standing Stone, Breen Oak Wood, Glenshesk, Co Antrim, Northern Ireland
Kilnasaggart pillar stone (Cross inscribed stone)
The inscription ‘This place, bequeathed by Temoc, son of Ceran Bic, under the patronage of Peter, the Apostle.’
13 crosses are inscribed on the stone
Killyglen Standing Stone, Co Antrim, Northern Ireland.