Reanascreena Stone Circle, Co Cork, Ireland

The Reanascreena Stone Circle consists of 12 stones
Underexposed – an Irish Photoblog
Reanascreena Stone Circle, Co Cork, Ireland
The Reanascreena Stone Circle consists of 12 stones
Kenmare Stone Circle, Kenmare, Co Kerry, Ireland
The circle is composed of 15 stones
The Boulder Burial at the center of the stone circle
Bohonagh Stone Circle, Rosscarbery, Co Cork, Ireland
The Bohonagh Stone Circle site is very overgrown
A boulder burial at the edge of the circle
Kealkill Stone Circle, Co Cork, Ireland
Kealkill Stone Circle and the two Standing Stones
Kealkill Stone Circle
Kealkill Standing Stones
Drombeg Stone Circle, Co Cork, Ireland
Drombeg has a north-east to south-west alignment, allowing for the setting sun marking the winter and summer solstices (from Heritage Ireland)
the axial stone
Breeny More Megaliths, Bantry, Co Cork, Ireland
Four Boulder-burials and the remains of a stone circle
The entrance stones at Breeny More Stone Circle
Breeny More four Boulder-burials with the stone circle portal stones
Athgreany Stone Circle (the Piper’s Stones), Co Wicklow, Ireland
The circle now consists of 14 stones with some of the original missing
Auglish/Aughlish Stone Circles, Derry, Northern Ireland
A series of 5 small stone circles and alignments in the foothills of the Sperrins
One of the alignments
Alignment stone
Showing the alignment
The largest of the circle stones
Same stone as above
Beltany Stone Circle, Raphoe, Co Donegal, Ireland
the Celtic festival of fertility known as Beltane is celebrated in early May and it is thought the circle takes its name from this festival
This is the cup marked triangle stone
The Standing Stone at the circle
Link to first visit – https://www.tonyoneill.org/2016/09/15/beltany-stone-circle/
Glebe stone circle (AKA Cong stone circle), Cong, Co Mayo, Ireland
One of four stone circles in the locality
Drumskinny stone circle, Co Fermanagh, Northern Ireland
Entrance to Drumskinny stone circle
Drumskinny cairn and stone circle
The enchanted path that leads to Ballynoe Stone Circle in County Down
Ballynoe Stone Circle was built around 4000 years ago. The circle encloses a burial mound
Detail of one of the stones that lie outside the circle
Arc of stones at Ballynoe Stone Circle. The circle is around 35mts across
Detail of stones
Uragh Stone Circle, Beara Peninsula, Co Kerry, Ireland
Drombeg Stone Circle, Co Cork, Ireland
The entrance to Drombeg Stone Circle, Co Cork, Ireland
Derreenataggart West Stone Circle, Co Cork, Ireland
Ardgroom Outward Stone Circle, Co Cork, Ireland
Clogherny Wedge Tomb, Co Tyrone, Northern Ireland
The Stone Circle surrounds the wedge tomb
Dun Ruadh Stone Circle, Co Tyrone, Northern Ireland
An inner stone circle with an outer cairn and split thorn tree in the center of the circle
Bocan Stone Circle, Culdaff, Inishowen, Co Donegal, Ireland
Below are a couple more pics taken in 2019
Beltany Stone Circle, Raphoe, Co Donegal, Ireland
The standing stone southeast of Beltany Stone Circle
The name Beltany is thought to derive from Beltaine the Celtic festival of fertility
Grange Lios Stone Circle, Lough Gur, Co Limerick, Ireland
Grange Lios Stone Circle is the largest stone circle in Ireland
The entrance to Grange Lios Stone Circle